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A  sustainable  revolution. Crafting tomorrow's homes with nature's blueprint.


At the heart of our vision lies the conviction that human habitats and homes are integral components of the broader ecosystem. As extensions of the natural world our homes should be places of discernment and well-being. We apply our expertise in sustainability and design to develop innovative solutions to material, ecological and economic challenges. Guided by our understanding of symbiosis we have dedicated ourselves to crafting home wares derived from natural substrates, particularly Mycelium. By harnessing the evolutionary prowess of natural materials we are ensuring a sustainable future for people and the planet.

Truly Sustainable

We are tired of hearing sustainability used as a green-washed buzzword... when we say sustainable WE MEAN IT!


Mycelium-based home-ware is making a significant difference in the global fight against ecological (and economic) crisis by offering a sustainable alternative to traditional materials. Unlike materials which contribute to pollution and environmental harm, mycelium-based materials are biodegradable and break down naturally without leaving harmful residues. By utilising agricultural waste or other organic substrates, mycelium cultivation reduces reliance on fossil fuels and minimises the carbon footprint associated with production.

Natural Aesthetic

The mycelium-based homeware has captured the attention of interior enthusiasts for its blend of sustainability, and sophistication.


Minimalism celebrates the beauty of simplicity and functionality, and mycelium-based home-ware embodies these principles perfectly. With its clean lines, natural textures, and understated elegance, mycelium home-ware seamlessly integrates into spaces, adding a touch of organic warmth. As the trend towards sustainable living continues to gain momentum, mycelium-based home-ware emerges as a favorite choice among those of us seeking harmony between style and sustainability in their living spaces.

Conscious Consumption

Myceluxe represents the future of responsible home décor, offering conscientious consumers a way to furnish your spaces without compromising on sustainability.


Myceluxe has emerged as a solution for those seeking to create a more eco-friendly home environment. By investing in sustainable homeware, consumers not only enhance the aesthetics of their homes but also contribute to a healthier planet and support a more responsible approach to home décor. As the demand for sustainable living continues to grow, sustainable homeware is poised to become the standard for making a positive impact through their purchasing decisions.

The Future of Design


What is Mycelium?

(Simply put, it’s the root of a mushroom.)

Scientific answer: Mycelium is the vegetative part of a fungus, typically found underground or within organic matter such as soil, compost, or tree roots. It consists of a network of thread-like structures called hyphae.


Mycelium permeates ecosystems, forests, grasslands, aquatic environments and even urban settings. It plays a crucial role in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and symbiotic relationships with other organisms.


Mycelium is estimated to cover most of the Earth's surface, with some researchers suggesting that the total biomass of fungi, including mycelium, may rival that of plants.

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